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Pendant le confinement difficile lié à la COVID-19, j’ai eu de la difficulté à assurer la productivité et l’uniformité de mon travail. Après une longue recherche d’un espace de travail inspirant qui pourrait offrir le bon environnement pour rester motivé et stable, il est devenu clair : construire cet endroit parfait était à moi!

C’est ainsi que LeCercle – spécialement conçu pour les professionnels de la vente – a vu le jour! Notre objectif ici est simple mais puissant; donner à nos utilisateurs RESPONSABILITÉ & LES SOUTENIR sur leur parcours de COHÉRENCE tout en maintenant un ÉTAT D’ESPRIT POSITIF à chaque étape du chemin.

Rencontrez le fondateur

Steve Traiforos brings over a quarter-century of sales expertise to the table, demonstrating a proven track record in business development and growth strategies. His journey in the sales domain has been marked by substantial achievements and learning experiences, underpinning his reputation as a seasoned professional in the industry.

For the latter part of his illustrious career, spanning 14 years, Steve has excelled as a realtor. In this role, he has not only facilitated numerous individuals and families in realizing their homeownership aspirations but has also emerged as a mentor in the real estate community. His coaching endeavors are particularly noteworthy; Steve has been instrumental in guiding fellow realtors toward securing a 6% commission rate— a commendable feat given the current competitive landscape in real estate.

Beyond his real estate success, Steve is renowned for his ability to enhance the sales techniques of his peers. His workshops and coaching sessions on cold calling and objection handling are highly sought after, equipping professionals with the skills needed to excel in their respective fields. What sets Steve apart is his genuine commitment to the growth and success of his colleagues, underscored by his open-door policy. This approachability and willingness to support others underscore his leadership and dedication to the professional development of those around him.

In sum, Steve Traiforos is not just a figure of success in real estate and sales; he is a pillar of support and an architect of professional growth for many in the industry.


se consacre à la création d’un Environnement de


Chez LeCercle, nous considérons la solidarité comme le fondement de notre réussite. Nous comprenons qu'une communauté animée par un savoir collectif est bien plus puissante que l'accumulation d'expertise et le travail en solitaire - cette philosophie nous permet de créer des moments magiques en partageant ce que nous savons avec les autres. Venez nous rejoindre pour célébrer l'harmonie !

Règles de la Maison

La gentillesse est la langue que nous parlons ici – gardons-la ainsi!


La collaboration est attendee.


Le respect est obligatoire.


Un état d’esprit positif est un must.


Aucun drame